Big leaf maple genus
Big leaf maple genus

big leaf maple genus

When direct light is available, bigleaf maple grows rapidly 2. Maples often have small flowers that are not very showy and form in droopy clusters. As its name implies, this species has large leaves, up to 0.3 m wide 1. The boxelder is the exception, featuring multiple, compound leaves radiating from the leafstalk. The leafstalks are long, often as long as the leaf itself. The leaves are simple and palmate-shaped on most species, with three or five main veins radiating from the leafstalk. The Biogeography of Bigleaf Maple: Alicia Mariscal, SFSU.

big leaf maple genus

Here, we identify these top five maples and provide general tips for recognizing maple trees in the forest.ĭespite the many different types of maples, these trees have some common features.įor example, maples have mostly grey-colored bark, and the deciduous leaves are often always arranged on stems opposite each other. (AY-ser mak-ro-FILL-um) Names: Big-Leaf Maple, sometimes called Oregon Maple, derives both its common name and its scientific name, macrophyllum, from the fact that it can have leaves up to 12 inches acrossthe largest of any maple Relationships: There are nearly 150 species of maples worldwide. 1 There are approximately 132 species, most of which are native to Asia, 2 with a number also appearing in Europe, northern Africa, and North America. Big-Leaf Maple The Maple FamilyAceraceae Acer macrophyllum Pursh. The genus is placed in the family Sapindaceae. Overall, it is considered to be the most massive of the various species of maple found in North America. That's because the seven less common species are found regionally, whereas the five most common ones are more widespread. Acer ( / esr /) is a genus of trees and shrubs commonly known as maples. Acer macrophyllum, commonly called bigleaf maple or Oregon maple, is a medium to large, deciduous tree with an oval to broad-rounded crown that typically grows to 40-75’ tall, but occasionally soars to 100’ tall. However, five of those maple species are vastly more common to spot on your nature walk. There are approximately 125 species worldwide and 12 maples native to North America. V) The large, deeply 5-lobed leaves of Acer macrophyllum are unmistakeable (Seattle, WA 2nd June 2022). I would love to show you a photo of a young boy holding an enormous leaf of the Oregon maple, Acer macrophyllum, but it was in our Portland newspaper and. The word Acer is derived from a Latin word meaning "sharp," and the name refers to the characteristic points on the leaf lobes.

big leaf maple genus

Some trees, such as bristlecone pines, can be found for thousands of years in the wild. Generally, the vast majority of these types live between 100 and 200 years. A maple tree’s lifespan is determined by its type. Maple trees are classified in a family of their own, the Aceraceae. Silver maple leaf has five points, which is common among maple species.

Big leaf maple genus